The super spin takes out sentences when using the function. Commas (,) seem to be a problem for the software. I take those out and it still deletes the first sentence of a couple of paragraphs.
I will do more testing and post my findings here on this thread as I find new ones.
I was wondering if it is possible to open a suggestions thread to make the software the "go to spinner". I love using it and like hearing ways to improve it. GSA Search Engine Ranker has a very dedicated forum which suggested improvements are thrown out there and Sven and Ozz (the go to guys at GSA) are on it, sometimes within a matter of hours.
It could really help Spinner Chief become a whole lot better than it already is. I have about a dozen suggestions right now and don't know where to post them at.
I am getting a little frusterated with the mods here, no communication on this forum. I have posted many suggestions, bugs, etc... and no replies from anyone!! Working with SC3 again today and found a couple more problems.....
Should I state what they are? Who is going to listen? Go to GSA search engine ranker forum and see what a true dedicated team is like.... Questions are answered in minutes!!!!!!!!!
No suggestions thread, that's fine, but tell me that, or maybe an answer like:"We don't currently have one but that's a good idea, we will work on it" would have at least let me know that someone saw what I had to say and answered me.
As you can maybe tell...... a little..... A LOT frusterated. Will anyone see this post, I am not sure.
I have a suggestion and was wondering if it is possible to make it happen. My suggestion is enabling the super spin feature to work after I have spun on the paragraph or sentence level. It tries to do it now, but will only spin parts of my paragraphs.
It will spend some of them fully, but always seems to cut one are two in half, it seems.
So I end up in having to cut the paragraphs into their individual sentences (without the {}, the pipes (|||) seem to be fine), let the super spin function work and then add the curly brackets {} after it has finished. This would be ideal and would make Manual spinning tasks a whole lot easier for me and a lot of other people.
SC needs an abort button. I try to spin many different ways and really want to "test drive" the software. When it tries to spin some things it will get stuck in an endless loop and I have to reboot it. I regularly save my progress with notepad, so I don't have to start all over. An ABORT BUTTON would eliminate these problems.
When I click on a word/phrase using the RIGHT CLICK button, it pulls up synonyms available, used, etc. When I RIGHT CLICK on a word that is not spun yet, SC3 freezes and locks up.
After I have manually spun an article, I wish I could hit a button that would save all of my manually entered synonyms for the article. I write several articles for several different niches and it would really help if I could save all of those synonyms to a file withing spinnerchief, or a folder so I could use it again for another article in the niche.
Right now I just keep SC open and enable Super Replace function, so I can write as many articles on the niche/topic as I can while I have SC remembering what synonyms I have all ready used.
I have a couple of bugs to report, the purpose of a beta version....right? Anyways, the super replace just freezes up and is a real pain, lost a whole article because I can't edit or anything, just closes the program. I have a video but don't want to share with the masses.
The next thing is the extra spaces that it puts in the spintax using super replace. Spinnerchief eliminates these, but if I'm going to use the spintax somewhere else, will it work the same way? I have a screenshot of that as well...