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hello , i need correct imap or pop3 config plz

ReplyThanks 2021/05/29 12:04:51 0 0
hello , i need correct imap or pop3 config to get auto confirmation code in campaigns when i try create instagram by outlook its failed , only manually confirmation code (( , any solution ?
Dora Smith
2021/06/03 14:20:34
1 # joujgh 2021/5/29 12:04:51
hello , i need correct imap or pop3 config to get auto confirmation code in campaigns when i try create instagram by outlook its failed , only manually confirmation code (( , any solution ?

You need to enable IMAP/POP3 manually. Then the program will scrape the code from the email automatically.

Let us know if it works.

Дмитро Жигайло
2023/09/16 01:44:13
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