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Can not set Custom browsers's Navigator Infomation

ReplyThanks 2017/12/23 19:23:06 1 0

After setting the variables for "Custom browsers's Navigator Infomation" and checking again ---> the result is unchanged (except User Agent). Where do I go wrong? If I do not make a mistake then this is a bad thing for the software because google can still detect it (Example: When creating bot to login to google account). And it does not automatically translate the language to the corresponding country when running the bot (for example, pinterest.com).

I tried set value for varible as follows:

+ appCodeName = TestappCodeName

+ appName = TestappName

+ appVersion = TestappVersion

+ UserAgent = TestUserAgent

+ platform = Testplatform

+ Language = TestLanguage

And this my result

Here is my test module:


2017/12/26 19:20:39

The value for these variables except useragent have format requirements. Please do not enter one randomly. Please go to get the correct value for them, then test if it works.

Check this link to know the details.


2017/12/26 20:52:07

I tried typing the variable with exactly the same information as you said, but still no result:

appCodeName: Mozilla
appName: Netscape
appVersion: 5.0 (iPhone; CPU; iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS / 57.0.2987.137 Mobile / 14E304 Safari / 602.1
userAgent: Mozilla / 5.0 (iPhone; CPU; iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 602.1.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS / 57.0.2987.137 Mobile / 14E304 Safari / 602.1
platform: iPhone
Additional browsers' Navigator Information

Please upload a sample module

2017/12/27 12:04:54

Ok i see.

We will go to check if we can create a sample for it. lease wait for the news.

2017/12/27 17:34:57

We tested it using your website link, here is the reply:

Usually it will get this setted value when using JS to get these information. Probably this website around our camouflage using other ways, and currently we do not find the reason.

We fixed some issues, please update it to the newest version, then have a try again.

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