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Get Time/Date option.

ReplyThanks 2016/08/24 02:25:36 0 0
It would be nice to have a easy way / function to quickly get a time / date from a specific time zone.

Could you add this or give me a sample code to use the c# or java code action?
2016/08/24 06:12:08

Add a RunCSharpCode command, and you can refer to the below settings:

2016/08/24 10:22:57
Thank you!
2016/09/05 14:20:05
Can you post the code for getting the Current Epoch time in seconds?
2016/09/05 21:43:19
4 # [email protected] 9/5/2016 2:20:05 PM
Can you post the code for getting the Current Epoch time in seconds?

Sorry we do not know about the code of Epoch time, please go to search it in Google.

2017/08/09 04:30:05
2 # Aprilcaicai 2016/8/24 6:12:08

Add a RunCSharpCode command, and you can refer to the below settings:

Can you add a command to get the date and time (for example in variable operate or separate command with the ability to get a date, time, or both of them in different formats)? This is often necessary when working with services to account for work time.

For what it is needed, for example:

1. Get Time 1

2. Work (Working with a server that can wait for a response of up to 20 minutes or a site visit a specific time)

3. Get Time 2

4. if Get Time 2 - Get Time 1 > 20 minutes then End

Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2017/08/09 04:48:51
Can you give me the C# code that will allow you to get the date and time as a number in minutes so that I can store it in a double variable and compare? Plz.
Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2017/08/09 17:08:43
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System;
namespace test1
public class test2
public static double test3()
TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - new DateTime( DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);
return time.TotalMinutes;


It is just a sample, please go to edit it by yourself.
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