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What's the best way to count loop iterations?

ReplyThanks 2016/10/18 16:56:10 0 0


I want to create a bot that that loops until it meets an exit condition. I also want to count how many times the bot goes through the loop. What's the best way to about this.


2016/10/18 22:02:23

Add a Loop Command first, and then use a variable to count times, and then use the If the command to judge the count. If it meets the condition, and then jump to the loop, if not then loop again or do other operation.

I strongly suggest you view the videos and document before you create your own bot. Go to the forum to check more videos.

2016/10/26 12:56:04
I cover a little bit about loop actions within my series! Check out the videos in my signature if you need english, well planned, and detailed tutorials! You can also even request videos so I can show you step by step how to do what you are looking for an include a module file if you need it!
Fuck BotChief! WhiteHatBox willl steal from you, disable your keys when they don't get their way
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