  • MrKetogenic
  • My topic I Can't Get It To Work
  • I've tried everything. I've burned through 50 FB accounts from 5 different account provides over the course of a month trying to find accounts strong enough to prevent Facebook from asking security questions or blocking accounts within first use. I've tried: New Phone Verified Accounts, Aged PV (2015-2016), US-Only accounts, Foreign Accounts. All of them blocked within immediate use (or after a first or second run of liking posts). Most times, I can't even get FollowerLike to successfully acknowledge the friend count before running a campaign. I'm currently using FollowerLike on a Virtual Machine (Virtual Box) with Strong VPN (paid) and have tried 2 different New Proxy websites ($1/ea per month) at 10 proxies. Including the cost of the software, I've thrown over $500 at this and I can't get the software to work. I've watched all of the videos and successfully run "like post" and "like page" campaigns for 1 or 2 cycles, but the accounts become immediately blocked. I could buy very aged accounts ($25+ each) if that will make a difference, but I can't imagine others have had to resort to this as it would be $2.5K + $100/mo to merely manage 100 accounts. Is this normal spend? I've been on the forum reading, and it doesn't seem like others are having the same issue with this that I am having, so I just don't know what I'm doing wrong here. I'll read and listen any help others can provide.
  • 2017-08-07 04:43