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Compile & Output - Modules sorting

ReplyThanks 2019/01/24 09:46:44 1 0


I have a compiled module for one of the sites with more than 10 modules in the composition. When compiling, I arranged them in a certain logical order. Each module has a lot of initialized parameters. For each module, I gave my own names for the parameters, which are different from variable names.

There is a problem.

Today I needed to update one of the modules - it is located first in the list of my modules. But I can only remove it and add it to the end of the list. This does not suit me, because this module should be used first of all.

Or I will have to remove all the modules, then add all 10 modules back, and re-specify the variable names (which I can have from 5 to 20).

Add the ability to sort the order of modules.

(As you recently added the ability to sort the order of variables).

Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2019/01/24 09:48:33
The screenshot is just an example for clarity. I did not take a screenshot of the project in which I need it.
Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2019/01/24 17:46:10
Very thanks for your suggestion. We will take it into consideration. Please wait for the news.
2019/04/03 16:26:35
3 # Aprilcaicai 2019/1/24 17:46:10
Very thanks for your suggestion. We will take it into consideration. Please wait for the news.
Any news?
Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2019/04/03 18:14:47

This function has been added and updated in the newest version of BotChief. Please go to check it.

2019/04/03 18:16:41
I have not checked, just saw the old topic. Thank!
Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2019/04/03 18:27:36
5 # Aprilcaicai 2019/4/3 18:14:47

This function has been added and updated in the newest version of BotChief. Please go to check it.

I am sorry. But why only one button? Although thanks to that
Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2019/04/04 11:46:48
Yes one button should be enough to help you to sort your modules before compiling.
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