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Suggestions for improving the user interface

ReplyThanks 2018/07/29 20:21:34 0 0

1. Please add items Cut, Copy, Paste to the context menu. They are on the toolbar, but this is very far from the module code and is inconvenient to use.

2. Please add new items to the context menu - Collapse All and Expand All.

Items expand and collapse the branches of the module tree, starting with the selected action.Examples when it is necessary:

First, after "Run module" in the current window, all branches of the tree are opened. After every test run. My module has about 700 actions. Imagine the headache - you need to collapse all the branches of the tree to continue working.

Secondly, my module has a lot of collapsed blocks of code (Code Block, Try Catch, If and others) - if you need to change or debug some part, you need expand 10 actions, and after the changes - collapse them. That's not cool.
You can add it to the toolbar, but I personally do not use it. These functions are much more convenient to use through the context menu.

3. Search in Module

If the module is very large (as I said, I have a module with 700 actions) - can be very difficult to find something. You have a search for Action List - add a search in actions names in module. If I know that I have a command with the "login" in action name, then I enter this string into the search window and get the list of commands where this string occurs. Then I can click on one of the found commands to go to it in the module. Fast, simple and cool.

Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
2018/07/31 17:32:25
Very thanks for your suggestion, we will take it into consideration. Please wait for the news.
2018/10/02 12:06:07
2 # Aprilcaicai 2018/7/31 17:32:25
Very thanks for your suggestion, we will take it into consideration. Please wait for the news.
Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
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