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Spinner Chief Protect Words Function Limitation?

ReplyThanks 2017/11/23 02:18:04 0 0

I am running Spinner Chief version 9.2.6, Ultimate. I have found that when I use the "protect words" function in the right click contextual menu, it only protects ONE instance of the phrase or word I have protected.

In other words, as I continue checking the document, all other instances of that phrase are not protected, but instead are spun. I have made sure to click the "jump protected words" tab in the spin menu, but this problem keeps happening. Is this a defect of the program? It seems silly that I should have to protect every instance of the word or phrase in order for them all to be protected. This function, then, does not actually work to match additional instances of the phrase I have protected.

I use the Super Spin method, and there is no place in this menu to protect words. Is there somewhere else that I need to add protected words aside from the right click contextual menu? Has anyone else been experiencing this issue? Thanks in advance for your help!

2017/11/23 15:53:14
In Tool tab, you can click the Manage button to manage the protected keywords or phrase once.
<< < 1> >>
Advanced Option