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How to use login/password combination in BotChief

ReplyThanks 2014/08/23 07:17:53 0 0
Hi. I tried to make simple software, that login to site and make some action. I made file with logins and with passwords. In Editor I add ReadFile action and use option "read all lines in the file into the table variable", select path to file and save info into column in table type variable with option "clear up the table and add all line into the table". Then I add action SetValue, choose my variable, column name and may choose only 2 types of RowIndex - 0 and Random. I need, that row selected 1 by 1 from first to last. How to do this? Thank you.
2014/08/23 22:31:59

Hi, you should do like this>>

1. Create some string variables for every column of the table.

2. Set these strings to get values from the table - Use variable process action.

3. Then you use these string variables directly.

You can use loop action to get all values from the table one by one. Or get any row by set the row number.

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2023/08/02 17:03:38
Hello users we here fundecade this is right time.
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