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Stuck with BotChief

ReplyThanks 2017/08/28 20:06:39 0 0


This is my very first attempt with a bot and I'm having problems with the last step.

The target site collect signs from audience and my bot starts to work ok: pick the info from my .csv files and fill name, lastname, email and city fields, but in the last step show a success message and then just not run again.

I checked the site after the success message and no register new users, so it's not working. Maybe it's a just a small detail but I had checked the entire process many times an not found any error.

I don't have idea about coding but I'm good following instructions and see carefully every tutorial video that I found.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!!!

Edyt: typo

2017/08/29 10:59:05


I have tested your project,but it didn't run at the beginning,please make sure your right project,then send it(include all data which your project need) to us so that we will check it for you.

So sorry for the inconvenience.

2017/08/29 13:05:47

Hi elsaeyer, thanks for your reply!

The file is correct but in BotChief Runner now appears an error message (yestarday I got the message that I attached in my previous post).

I tested my bot with "Run Project" in BotChief Editor and I receive a success message. You can check a 40" secs video here: https://vimeo.com/231494013 (Password: bot44488).

The .csv files with the info to complete the fileds in the form:





Website: https://www.change.org/p/ministerio-de-salud-que-la-espondilitis-reciba-cobertura-en-los-sistemas-de-salud-en-chile

If the "Run Module" in BotChief Editor it's ok, why the bot is not working in BotChief Runner?

Thanks in advance for your help!


2017/08/30 18:08:14

The video cannot load fully. Also the file you sent to us is a .dat file. We need your project. In BotChief editor, click the Open button, then you can find your project.

Btw, can you please send us the screenshot of the error? BotChief Runner is to run module but not project.
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