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Get dozens of free bots in BotChief now

ReplyThanks 2014/08/03 22:47:53 0 0

Hi members! Our BotChief has many free system account creator bots as you can see in the screen shot, we are looking for suggestions for any other account creators that you want us to make and include in the system bots. It doesn't have to be an account creator, it could be pretty much anything, so please, tell us what you need and we will make it.

And you can just download botchief via whitehatbox app, and use these bots freely now!

Let's ROCK!
2014/08/04 23:02:27
I would like to see a bot for craigslist, backpage or any classified ads bot
2014/08/04 23:48:22
2 # rnet7 8/4/2014 11:02:27 PM
I would like to see a bot for craigslist, backpage or any classified ads bot

What exactly does the bot will do? Scrape or Post ? Can you please give us more details, then we can do it.

Let's ROCK!
2014/08/05 12:30:10

I am looking for ages for a descent but simple "Tweetschedular" Would be awesome if you guys build one ..Would help me alot ..!! And but i don't think that's possible .. an email scraper for twitter or people finder based on a keyword or phraze..

2014/08/09 01:55:06
An instruction manual for this software would be really helpful.
2014/08/09 09:08:41
Facebook post to groups not. With an exclude specific groups list.
2014/08/12 03:30:58
Hi can you explain what you mean by "Facebook post to groups not" please?
2014/12/04 23:31:04
please add a function where we can upload custom javascript to run a task / tasks
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