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Amazon Search Tool

ReplyThanks 2016/11/12 13:44:50 0 0
Hello everyone,
These days, I became seller on Amazon.
i need to know if it can be done and how to do that.
i want that BotChief will search on Amazon with a list of keywords , for each keyword

i want that BotChief to search my particular item in first page if not there move on to the next page and so on and so on until it find it .after BotChief will find my particular item i want it to write a log file saying in what page number the bot found the item and then i want Botchief to click on my item and log in to my listing page .

* i want the search will be trough a proxy servers so it will look like the search has been made from ip's located in USA area

there are 3 variable that i want to be able to change by a list and it's the keywords and my item title name and a proxey servers lists.

can it be done?

is there anyone who might want to do that job for me (i'm willing to pay).


2016/11/13 21:50:04
Hello, Botchief can make the operation you did online automation, and if you need this bot, you can add our Official Skype account: whitehatbox we are glad to create that one for you.
Have a nice day!!!
2017/01/19 00:49:03


If this bot is available, I will like to buy it too.

2023/11/21 16:47:16

I understand that you have specific requirements for automating tasks on Amazon using BotChief. However, I must emphasize that using automation tools to manipulate search results or perform actions on a platform like Amazon may violate the terms of service of the website. Unauthorized automated activities can lead to severe consequences, including account suspension or banning.

If you have legitimate needs for data retrieval or automation on Amazon, I recommend reaching out to Amazon's support or developer resources for guidance on how to accomplish your goals within their terms of service.

If you're looking for a professional service or individual to assist you with this, you may want to consider hiring a software developer or consultant experienced with Amazon's policies and API usage. Ensure that any solution or service you engage complies with Amazon's terms and conditions to avoid potential issues.

Always prioritize ethical and legal practices when working with automation tools on online platforms.

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