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Can I run multiple instances of Botchief Editor / runner without problems?

ReplyThanks 2016/08/10 18:44:02 0 0

Can I run multiple instances of Botchief Editor / runner without problems?

To clarify, I don't just want to run mutliple thread of each botcheif editor and runner but also many instances of those programs.

Can I do this, or will it cause issues with the programs? I tried it some which seemed to work, I just wanted to make sure it will continue to work well.

2016/08/10 22:42:58
Hello, sorry cannot understand what you mean. You mean you want to use botchief to run multiple templates?
2016/08/10 23:16:02

Can I run multiple botchief windows at a time.

For example, Is it supported to open botcheif.exe 5 times. and work on / run 5 bots at the same time in the editor?

2016/08/11 03:32:58
That will occupy more sources, and also probably it will be a problem to read and write the file. So we won’t suggest you do like that. Of course, you still can have a try.
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