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Upload Background & Profile Image YouTube Account?

ReplyThanks 2016/07/24 16:39:37 0 0

Hello there,

I seem to be having some trouble uploading a background or profile image to YouTube accounts. i have tried using upload file but it is not working, it is not opening the browse for file etc but it dose if i am to use a mouse emulation.

For some reason it dose not click/open the browse option and when i test it i just dose nothing

2016/07/25 00:17:20
Please wait for a moment, and after we tested it we will answer you.
2016/07/25 22:31:39
Hey, sorry to tell you that recently this function is not available to upload a background or profile image to YouTube accounts. And we will find a solution asap. But this function is still available for other sites.
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