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Read from file

ReplyThanks 2014/05/21 16:02:54 0 0
Can you make this read and write from file, it will be a great add Thanks
2014/05/23 00:22:05
we are adding the IO command into botchief :)
Let's ROCK!
2016/07/10 09:43:13
Did you guys get this to read from a file and write to a file? I'm having trouble witha file that contains about 100,000 lines. I want to read from the file about 1,000 lines and then remove the same 1,000 lines from the 100,000 lined .txt file. Any help on how to do this would be appreciated. :) THANKS !
2016/07/11 00:15:04
3 # kushblends99 7/10/2016 9:43:13 AM
Did you guys get this to read from a file and write to a file? I'm having trouble witha file that contains about 100,000 lines. I want to read from the file about 1,000 lines and then remove the same 1,000 lines from the 100,000 lined .txt file. Any help on how to do this would be appreciated. :) THANKS !

1. Put your txt file into a csv file.
2. Add a Read file, and then read your txt file to a Table variable table 1.
3. Add a Loop command to read the front 1000 lines out, and then save them to a Table variable table 2, also delete them from table 1.
4. Write the value from table 1 to overwrite the original content in the csv file.
You can edit some steps according to your needs.

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