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Super Spin changes

ReplyThanks 2016/06/28 06:00:18 0 0

I have done a “Superspin” on an article andit did not do a very good job so I decided to add more synonyms inside thebrackets and removed some others that did not make sense. I did make sure thatthe pipes were in place but when I previewed the articles they were showing someof the the spintax (the brackets etc)

Ihave done a manual spin (going from word to word picking all the synonyms myselfas I went) but that is lot of work and doesnot then include the sentence spin so that probably won’t be adequate to getenough variety in the versions. What can I do as I want to ideally do a “Superspin”with my own adjustments added.
2016/06/28 23:09:21


The added synonyms inside the brackets by the users won't be updated in our client immediately. Program need to analyze it first, and then add it to the thesaurus.

2016/06/29 11:20:10

That wasn't what I was asking here. I have done a short video toshow what I have ended up with after doing a Superspin then adding some extrasynonyms manually and taking some out that did not work. The articles thendon't come out right and show some of the spintax. Some of them even have thesentences in a majorly wrong order.

I think it must be to do with the colour coding possibly, why doessome of it turn red and it also looks as it there are 2 different colour reds,perhaps these colour codes are telling the spinning to do something I don'twant it do to or just giving instructions that no longer make sense to thesoftware which is why the articles are coming out wrong???

Here's aScreencast link so you can see: http://screencast.com/t/0AeRHRIdXapf

2016/06/29 23:41:16

The problem is that there are some wrong '{}' after you edit it manually. See the picture please, it should be '{', but you use '('. Please correct this wrong type , then try again, it should work.

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