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Can you please fix the the make first char of selected words to capital?

ReplyThanks 2016/02/14 10:25:41 0 0

Hello There

I have been using spinner chief and upgrading since SC 2. And ever since them I have been wishing this feature works as it would save me lots of time and saw the feature in the software, but whenever I try to use the edit tabs feature under "captilization" to "make first char of selected words to capital" it does nothing and does not work. This feature would be an amazing time saver because It's perfect for quickly make sentences in caps or not cap into good titles.

Can we please have an update where this gets fixed soon. I have to use other software to do this and then copy it back into SC. I use SC 4.

Please do let me know, it will be good for all SC users and it's a feature that should be working.

I have also attached a screenshot of the feature that does not work, incase anything I said was unclear.


2016/02/14 20:29:20
Hi, buddy, we have got your message, and we will check and fix it asap, sorry for the inconvenience.
2016/02/19 07:14:23

Any news on this fix?

I'd really like to start using this feature asap.

2016/02/21 21:08:35
Very sorry that buddy, we will check and fix it later. and then we will leave a message to you. thanks
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