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Form Designer Improvements

ReplyThanks 2016/01/29 08:29:54 0 0


Here are the things I think is needed to apply to the Form Designer:

* Just like module design in form section please change "Saved!" dialog box to a "Saved" style in module style, It's annoying to move over and click Ok button each time you make minor changes to the form.

* Ability of Copy, Cut and Paste on controls is necessary - specially when you want to put many big controls (for example RichTextBox) from a designed form inside TabControl - that's nightmare.

* CTRL+Z is a must! you accidentally delete a control, you have to drag it to form again - imagine you've set lots of properties.

I'll add if I got something new...

2016/01/31 21:27:39

Hi,Netman, thanks for your precious suggestion, we will take it into consideration and make it better, thanks again.

If there is any problem, please feel free to contact us.

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