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Catch redirected links and filter variables

ReplyThanks 2015/10/05 05:36:09 0 0

Is there a way to catch the redirected links or better yet all the webpages that a certain webpage is redirected to and save all the webaddress in a variable? The option of web url scraper, scrapes only the current url, i want to know is it possible to scrape all the urls that occur during that whole session?

Also is it possible to remove a dataentry of a variable if it doesn't contain a specific keyword?

2015/10/06 01:22:21

There is no function to get redirect url via the browser action. We will consider to add this function.

But you maybe use the httpGet action to the redirect url now.

"Also is it possible to remove a dataentry of a variable if it doesn't contain a specific keyword?" - Don't understand your question.

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