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ReplyThanks 2019/11/21 17:58:31 0 0


New bought program, Is there a site where you can suggest httt proxy for Turkey?

can you link to the package I need to buy?

I think I need a captcha, would you suggest a captcha site that works directly with this program?

And it doesn't work when you do the automatic fingerprint in the program, what's the solution?

Thank you in advance.

Dora Smith
2019/11/26 15:14:17
Sorry, we do not sell and provide proxies. We only have some proxy partner advertised on this website.

Additionally other users gave us detailed analysis and results of different proxies. Please refer to following posts. It will be helpful to you.

Usually if you run a ads click task, we will suggest you use different proxies each time, and do not run the task so frequently, this can keep your account safe.

Therer is no need to buy capthca. Usually fresh proxy won't need to verify captcha. If Google asks for, which means this ip has been detected, at this moment, you'd better change a fresh proxy to run. Please buy highly anonymous http proxy.
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