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2018/01/30 11:53:22

I tested it before i sent it to you, and it works.

Did you edit some settings please?

2018/02/02 18:51:09
Can I have a refund please? The full version does not work.
2018/02/03 14:33:54

Still cannot work?

Do you have Skype please? You can add our Skype whitehatbox

If this program really cannot work in your side, and we cannot help you, then we will refund it to you. Don't worry

2018/02/20 18:35:19

Can you please send me a refund? I have used your file as is and also spent hours trying to get this to work - without any documentation and it just won't work.

Many thanks!!

2018/02/22 10:30:55

Do you have Skype please? You can add our Skype whitehatbox

Don't worry if this program really cannot work in your side, and we cannot help you, then we will refund it to you.

As you can see, we tested it for you in our side, it works well.

Contact me when you are here

2018/02/25 20:41:48
Software does not work on page 2 or 3 or 4 when searching live
2018/02/26 09:44:34
16 # didi101 2018/2/25 20:41:48
Software does not work on page 2 or 3 or 4 when searching live

How did you create your campaign? Any screenshot to show me your campaign settings? Let me check it for you.

2018/02/28 15:28:41
This does not work. Refund please!
2018/02/28 18:09:30
18 # carloadmin 2018/2/28 15:28:41
This does not work. Refund please!

Could you please give us a chance to check it for you?

Please add our Skype whitehatbox, we will check all for you.

Don't worry, if it really cannot work as promised, and we cannot help you solve it, then we will refund it to you directly.

Also if it really cannot work, then i cannot show you the running success result in my side either.

Contact us when you are ready.

2018/03/16 18:46:53

I have loaded the supplied .bin file you have send me. It click on the same page every time and immediately closes down.

The settings you have supplied is as follows:

Custom Operate:

itemprop url
href https://xxx\.com/dest/na\-ya\-ch/
class ubermenu\-target\ ubermenu\-item\-layout\-default\ ubermenu\-item\-layout\-text_only
innerHtml <span\ class\="ubermenu\-target\-title\ ubermenu\-target\-text">?\ Na</span>
outerHtml class="ubermenu-target ubermenu-item-layout-default ubermenu-item-layout-text_only"
outerHtml href="https://xxx.com/dest/na-ya-ch/"
outerHtml itemprop="url"
outerHtml class="ubermenu-target-title ubermenu-target-text"

class ubermenu\-target\-title\ ubermenu\-target\-text
innerHtml ?\ Fr
outerHtml class="ubermenu-target-title ubermenu-target-text"

class="ubermenu-target-title ubermenu-target-text"
innerHtml des
outerHtml class="ubermenu-target-title ubermenu-target-text"

I have deleted 2 tasks leaving each time a different task and the results stay the same - clicking on the same page.

The code above does not make sense because each is different and whatever I do with the code, it does not change.

I also make sure the settings are saved and I also reboot. No change.

Please help!

Advanced Option