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How do Subscribe and Views on Tubeassist Pro work?

ReplyThanks 2019/03/20 23:24:06 0 0

I bought the Standard version today and I can't seem to make it work.

I added my account to the account manager, and linked it to my channel.

However when I try to create a task to subscribe, it asks me fora channel source with no option, and I can't complete the task. How can I create a task to subscribe and generate views?

Please help, it's very hard to understand.

2019/03/22 18:25:30

Add a Text module to enter your channel account please, then there will be option available in the drop down list.

Let me know if it works.

2019/03/22 18:40:21

It does work, but it opens a window and play the video from the beginning until the end. Can I stop this window from opening?

Also, I want to buy Youtube accounts and upgrade my version of Whitehatbox to the unlimited one, how can I do that?

2019/03/27 18:38:52

What is the play duration you set in View Video module please? Any screenshot shares to me about your task settings please, let me help you check it.

Are you planning to upgrade your TubeAssistPro version to unlimited version please? You can submit your question in http://support.whitehatbox.com/ with your license attached, we will help you check and reply to you in details.

Waiting for your news.

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