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X-Spinner problems

ReplyThanks 2014/08/14 13:19:39 0 0
I am having major problems with x-spinner used with kontent manager. When i attempt to use the software it causes my hosts file to become unusable by the system putting a lock icon on the hosts file. With some kind help from user sunboya we got it working for a minute. But the minute i use the software the lock reappears on my host file and the system can no longer access it(and having to make a new host file). Am i the only one with this strange problem.
2014/08/15 08:35:10

There must some software on your system lock the hosts file, please try to close all security software and anti-virus software, then try again.

Also you can ask the developer to add x-spinner itself API, then it must work well.

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