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Drop Down Select or Radio Button

ReplyThanks 2016/02/15 03:15:35 0 0


How can we do this easily? to select any random selection in a drop selection field... or even in a radio button to select any random value.

Please help by giving steps and example here on how to fill up a form with drop down and radio and other fields. etc... i hope theres a default variable module for names, cities, dates.. etc...

Thank you

2016/02/15 04:00:46

Please follow the below steps:

1. You need to use the scrape action to scrape the value from the drop down selection, and then save the value to a table variable.

2. Use a variable operates action to get the value from the table, and on its settings interface, select random in Row Index option.

3. Use a Set value action to find the variable control, and then assign the variable value to it.

For these variables: names, cities, date, you need to add it by yourself on the Variable Manager, and it is very easy to add. of course, if many users need this function, we will take it into consideration. btw, thanks for your suggestion.

If there is any problem, please feel free to contact with us.

2016/02/15 04:07:45
Great!. Thank you.. i am getting use to this bot creator now, with your help and support im sure other users will love this bot creator too..
2016/02/15 04:10:57
thanks for your support, besides, there is a detailed steps for you to view, please check: http://www.whitehatbox.com/bbs/BBSPost?postid=2142&searchText=amazon#.VsGV21KR2E8
2016/02/15 04:39:29
4 # Aprilcaicai 2/15/2016 4:10:57 AM
thanks for your support, besides, there is a detailed steps for you to view, please check: http://www.whitehatbox.com/bbs/BBSPost?postid=2142&searchText=amazon#.VsGV21KR2E8


Thanks for this but unfortunately, i have no success on getting the drop down list to variable...

Please give more information about the usage of this steps. Its very simple just to select any random option on drop down why the steps is too many where have to scrape then save to variable then variable(create variable) then set value... why not give option to select directly...

2016/02/15 05:06:55

you can post a picture of the drop down selection on this forum, or send your bot to us to help you.

the scrape action is to scrape the value from the drop down selection. if the number of scrape is just one value, you can save it to a variable directly, and then use set value action to assign the value to text bot.

if the number of scrape are mutilple, you must save the value to a table variable.

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